We live in a very sex negative world were anything related to sex is seen as taboo and forbidden. With this project I was asked to design a product and its packaging for a novel action figure. I chose to direct my project to address body and sex positivity for people with a penis.
I designed a product that could be used as an uplifting and educational device that fully embraced body diversity, sex education, and sex positivity. My package design is reminiscent of other collectable action figures, and the figures and information are presented in a light hearted and slightly humorous manner. The product is called PeenPals and the figures' names are based off of various slang terms for a penis. The package includes a humorous but educational story about each "pal" along with education on safe sex practices and consent.
There are many harmful and negative stereotypes around people and and the look, size, and proportions of their penises. People experience bullying and harassment regarding a part of their body that is no one else business but their own. Additionally many schools (especially where I grew up in the South) only teach celibacy as sex education. This actually leads to higher rates of teen pregnancies and spreading of STIs as people aren't properly educated on safe sex practices. Teaching consent is another incredibly important practice when it comes to sex, but with the taboo nature surrounding sex in our society, it is a lesson that is unfortunately not taught to a proper extent. It is important for people to have comprehensive sex education and to feel comfortable with their bodies.